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Integrating Zapier with Facebook Business Manager: A Step-by-Step Guide

Published on Feb 28th, 2024

Integrating your Facebook Business Manager with Zapier opens up a world of automation possibilities, from streamlining your social media marketing tasks to syncing customer data across platforms. Here's how to connect these powerful tools seamlessly.


  • A Zapier account

  • A Facebook Business Manager account

Step 1: Access Zapier

Log in to your Zapier account and choose 'Make a Zap!' to start a new Zap.

Step 2: Select Your Trigger App

Search for and select the app that will trigger your Zap. This could be an email service, CRM, e-commerce platform, etc.

Step 3: Choose Your Action App

For the action to be performed by the trigger, search and select 'Facebook Business Manager' from Zapier’s list of apps.

Step 4: Connect Your Facebook Account

When prompted, connect your Facebook Business Manager by signing in and allowing Zapier to access your account.

Step 5: Set Up The Action

Choose the specific action you want to automate within your Facebook Business Manager, such as creating custom audiences or posting to your page.

Step 6: Test Your Zap

Before activating, test your Zap to ensure that the integration is functioning correctly.

Step 7: Activate and Monitor

Once satisfied with the test, activate your Zap. Continuously monitor its performance and make adjustments as necessary.

By following these steps, you elevate your marketing efficiency by leveraging the combined power of Zapier and Facebook Business Manager. Be sure to explore further actions and triggers to fully automate your workflows.

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